
The purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (past and present) of the uniformed forces (past and present) of the United States, and Honorary Members, who are Master Masons, into Chapters, for the promotion of good fellowship among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims and activities in Masonry, for developing true Patriotism and Americanism throughout the Nation, for bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the United States (past and present) in a united effort to further the military need of national defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the national security.


National Sojourners originated in the Philippines upon the arrival of a North Dakota Regiment of volunteer infantry about 1 August 1898. The Grand Lodge of North Dakota granted a dispensation for a field lodge. It first met 21 August 1898. Meetings were held each Wednesday and Sunday, and were well attended. The February 1899 meeting in Culi Culi Church was held under fire. Bullets came through the roof and Lodge officers wore side-arms. The regiment departed the Philippines 31 July 1899 taking their dispensation with them.

Early in 1900, a Sojourner Club was organized in Manila. On 1 July 1901, the Grand Lodge of California authorized them to form a Lodge. After formation of the Lodge, the Sojourners Club lost its identity.

Late in 1917, officers of various services and some of our allies found a great need for a Masonic Club in Chicago. They began to hold a series of meetings; thus began a Sojourners Club. By 1919, a charter was obtained from the State of Illinois, and then a club was formed in Detroit. which has become known as Detroit Chapter #1.

During World War II, National Sojourners chapters were formed throughout the world, wherever there were American Forces. Today there are chapters in Guam, Okinawa and Germany, as well as over 161 chapters in the United States.